Monday, November 29, 2010


another turn of the year gone by.... a little bit older each time... i have memories of this particular birthday when i was 4... i got a keyboard and we ate chocolate cake. this year was so special, as well- it always is. thank you my loved ones, you make this girl feel mighty good.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

short reprieve.

i'm checking in with the blogs that i like to look at, and everyone seems to be on a bit of a hiatus from updates... me included. now that things are settling a little bit, i am going to put the intention of having more of a presence on here. enjoying my new camera, picked it up after a few weeks with it tucked away and i'm impressed with the feel, the images, the quality- so i'll share.

up in PR for a few days, taking a short reprieve from the busy-ness of the city life. adjusting to this working life, and the commute, and the hours. it's an interesting experience of commuting to work via downtown- new for me. when i worked up here, i had this serene quiet drive to do, and when i was in nelson, i had this short chilly walk with a beautiful view and children everywhere. this city commute is a very urban experience. the same sounds every day, some of the same riders, and the dark morning and night sky.

taking breaths in this cold cold PR air. there is a thin blanket of snow, it crunching under my feet. the drive up was perfect. took it slow, new mix cd by the wonderful R as company....