it got me. the h1n1 influenza knocked on my door and waltzed right in without asking. it made me feel like i'd run a marathon- legs aching, back aching, head pounding, heart pounding. confirmation with a 38.1 degree fever. didn't even have time to get the damn vaccine.
daily, i read the newspaper. new pandemic headlines- "why panic is not the answer," "provinces scramble to fight flu's second wave," "flu-shot clinics struggle to keep up with demand," etc etc.
there is something odd, and perfect, about sitting on the couch with the flu whilst reading about the pandemic sweeping the nation. at least i know it's not all about me.
we're on day 4 here, the h1n1, and i have to say we are a bit more amicable with one another, since we've had so much Q time on the couch. i want to ask, "when are you leaving me? i've had enough. i've got halloween to enjoy, school to work on, clinical to pass. so why you staying past your welcome?" it doesn't say much to me. it watches battlestar gallactica over my shoulder, observes my mindless browsing of facebook and other such internet sites, all while perching comfortably at the edge of the sofa sipping orange juice.
i'm trying to be patient here, trying to ride through this, but moments of frustration can overcome, so now i am making granola.
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