... 3 days later i am in the car driving to whistler with auntie k. time to meet the babe. when i first lay eyes on him i am astounded by his smallness. this little being travelled into the world after living 38 weeks in his special cozy dark home... and now he's here to be with us! it's mind blowing. mama so strong and ready for this and so proud of this baby. dad in a state of euphoric love.
... now i am home after spending a very special 24 hours with the new little family unit. lots of cuddle time, lots of sleeping time for the little one, and lots of me just gazing at the little one on my arms. congratulations on the arrival of the new babe! XXX
(trying out the baby slings! looking good...)
the baby is so beautiful! look at those big, curious eyes! amazing how something so little can bring so much joy, eh?